Thursday, October 16, 2008

If It's Up To Me, I Won't Go Slow.

Hello people.

The photo above is photos of me with my newly-cut(ed) fringe. Got it trimmed for 3 bucks. No more I'm-Officially-Sick-Of-My-Deadly-Irritating-Fringe kind of thinking.

Apologies for the sickening short post yesterday. Alhamdullilah, I feel much better. I'm just left with a dreadful runny nose which may be recovering in a few days or so. Gees, luckily I don't need to attend school today because of Promotion Meeting Day. Wish me well for tomorrow's outcome friends!

There might be a big possibility I'll be following the 3NT Malay girls for Raye-ing tomorrow. Just maybe, if I don't feel lazy or bummed out. There'll be school tomorrow & lessons will be as usual. Not only that, we'll be receiving our EOY results. Sheesh, I'm so anticipating it, NOT. I know I've not done my best for that case. Gah, the thought of it is always stressing me out.

Oh, I have a video which I owe y'all.

Raya wishes from my girlfriends - Zyeza, Azie, Syella, Radiah, Fatin, Mimi & yours truly (in order).

By the way, I've uploaded new photos at my Hari Raya album @ Photobucket. Link at the 'Yours Truly' section below my 'Lion City Hiphop' badge. Till then, take care.

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