I know, I'm supposed to be in bed right now but obviously, I can't get myself to sleep.
Still wide awake now. Pfft.
Maybe it because of my dry throat? No, it can't be that disturbing.
But anyhoo, I need to sleep!
I have to wake up at 6am later to have breakfast with Ma & lil' bro.
That is, if he can wake up.
Anyway, I went out with Chippy yesterday.
It was awesome!
Like ohh-emm-gee, I miss her so much!
I met her around 3 when we're supposed to meet around 2.30pm/2.40pm.
Shiznit. Blame me for taking my own sweet time.
Sincere apologies dearest girlfriend!
Pictures we took yesterday are in my Photo Album.Well, you know where the link is, right?
Oh yeah, I'm so sorry for not replying your tags lately. I've been such a lazybum.
So taggers, here are your awaited replies! Sorry for making you wait. -_-
ficar: hello *ehem* 1 hahhaha. Funnnnny ^^v
ficar: ohohoh. anyway i'm back in http://redpaper-clips.blogspot.com. so relink <3
Sherrynaah: Hello M**** R** No. 3! Oh yea, I'll relink you soon. Toodleys!
Mimi: Hello love! :] Im sorry for being MIA-ing. Been pretty shag afta work this whole week. But surely, i do miss you alot, adik! D: *Bigbighugggg*.
Sherrynaah: Aww darling, you don't have to be sorry for missing in action. I do understand that you'll be dead exhausted after a day's work. & Surely I miss you alot, alot alot alot more. And you still owe me a date! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO. Imysm! *sobs*
Zyeza: Syasya darling.. sorry yesterday i coudnt have a lepak session with you.. i cant leave the party house sbb hujan lebat glier nak giler, and busstop dia peyy jaoh.. sorry ehk?
Zyeza: i'll make it up to you one day?
Sherrynaah: Hey babe, nah it's okay! Seriously. We'll hang out & chillax sometime soon okay? Miss ya!
scriptz: ello..down for shows?yo,link me up..
Sherrynaah: Err.. guess so? I'll link you up soon.
Liyana: Hey there Syarinah! Ustazah Wani teaching you this yr is it? Haha, she rocks ah seh! -.- k, random. Meet up in Dec alright! I wanna meet you & ellisa! ;D tc!
Sherrynaah: Haha yeah, she's teaching me this year. Yes, insyallah we'll meet in Dec okay? :)
* * *
Well, that's about it. I'll post the photos took last Saturday, 22nd November like later or tomorrow? Hopefully! Now, toodley tooodddsss! Hahaha. I need a drink, f*cking hydrated!